
Showing posts from February, 2019

Our addiction to technology is burgeoning and we can't help it!

Human life has witnessed a transition from waking up hearing a rooster's crow to setting up an alarm on a clock and now on your smartphone. Glancing through the transition of communication means, it all started from conversing in person, using pigeons, writing letters and postcards and now we have an endless means for instant messaging. If you think closely, the one word that serves as the root of this transition is “ Technology ”. In the present day, all of us start and end our day checking our smartphones. Probably, the millennials cannot even imagine their life without a smartphone. Any question raised is immediately searched on Google and ta-da, you have millions of answers! What is this fuss all about? Before you lose your patience sensing that you already know what you have read above, let's get straight to the point. I have written this piece to make you acquainted with our addiction to technology and we cannot avoid or ignore it. If you are not a fish of the